Professional Director CPD
Step To The Top
Virtual Delivery: April 07, 2022
11:00am to 1:00pm Atlantic
IoD Member: $100
Non-Member: $150
This workshop will enable participants to determine whether they are ready (and willing!) to take the step to the boardroom. Sometimes people find themselves presented with the opportunity to become a board member – perhaps on the basis of either being good at something else (e.g. being a senior manager, an accountant or an engineer) or perhaps by accident! Often, no consideration is given to whether they are board-ready or capable.
This interactive workshop explores what it means to be a director, the duties and obligations that the role brings with it and how it differs from being a manager in an organisation. It also examines the skills, knowledge and mind-set that are required of an effective board member and provide delegates who wish to make the leap to the boardroom with signposting to areas where they can get further support and training in order to develop into confident and effective directors.