Delivering an essential understanding of the board’s role in corporate governance and risk management, this introduction to the duties and legal responsibilities of a director will enable you to tackle the challenges of the boardroom with fresh confidence and progress your career to the next level.
Whether you’re a newly appointed director, aspiring to a position on the board, or looking to improve your performance with fresh insight, this practical two-day course will equip you with the crucial knowledge and skillset to fulfil your role successfully.
The IoD Award in the Role of the Director and the Board is a module of the Certificate in Company Direction qualification. This course may be taken as a stand-alone module or taken as part of the full qualification.
course Benefits
Develop a practical understanding of best practice in the boardroom. In addition to recognising the director’s key legal responsibilities, you will be conversant with the board’s role in corporate governance and be able to ensure transparency in internal procedures such as executive appointment and remuneration. You’ll be able to efficiently assess risk and know how to effectively manage stakeholders while acting in your organisation’s best interests.
Learning Objectives
By attending this course you will gain the knowledge and skills to:
Gain an in-depth view of the key duties, roles and legal responsibilities of the modern director
Understand the essential differences between direction, management and ownership
Examine the board’s role in corporate governance and learn how to improve board effectiveness
Understand the legal status of a company and other organisations and implications of the Company Act 2006
To register for this programme please contact the professional development team directly via info@iod.bm.
To view courses dates, please see the IoD Bermuda events calendar.